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Like every year, the Christmas period is the right time to briefly summarize the year that is closing and make some considerations about what’s to come. I apologize to customers and foreign users because in 2018 I did not have time to publish articles and......

2017 resume, 2018 expectations and wishes

Like every year, in this period we like to make a brief point of the past situation and future prospects, but above all to make our best wishes of Happy Holidays to Customers, Followers, Friends or simply Curious. 2017 was a difficult but satisfying year,......

English website, news, 2016 resume and wishes

Finally, after severeal requests from our foreign Customers and Followers, comes the new English version of the website, which joins the English Youtube channel active from April 2016. You can easily reach the English version by clicking on the Union Jack on the top bar or......

NPL management: the Legal ReKovery System

It is well known to all the friends and colleagues operating in banking sector that because of the current economic situation (and perhaps, in some cases, also due to some credit management problems) the collection activity regarding financial credits is moving through NPL recovery. We......